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"All phases of forestry".
Services Provided


  • Logging-thinning, clear-cut, and select. All of these forest treatment methods have an appropriate use for the health and vigor o your project area or specific management objectives.

  • Lidar/Unstable Slope Analysis- This measures the surface underneath the vegetation and tree canopy. This is an important step to consider if your project is above, on or near unstable slopes or public resources.

  • Pre-Commercial Thinning- reduce fuel load on the ground, ladder fuel reduction and increased forest resilience from wildfire, insect, and disease.

  • Land Clearing-Clear for home site or pasture

  • Road Monitoring- forest roads and driveways. This is important to maintain infrastructure on your private property or tree farm. 

  • Reforestation- tree planting after cutting or to stock open areas. 

  • Forest Management Plans- These help with tax reduction. Each landowner receives a site visit to determine objectives and the needs of the property. These are required when applying for cost sharing programs.

  • Timber Marketing- Tracking multiple markets to sell product to ensure maximum yield potential.

  • Timber Cruising- Inventory tree value on land for harvest or real estate purposes. This is important for determining feasibility of operations. Before buying or selling timbered property, it's recommended to have this information.

  • GIS Mapping-using modern industry tools to map your property or projects.

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